Why Exercise is Important for Immune Health and Longevity: And Easy New Ways to Stay Fit Forever!
Exercise works for immune strength, but don’t overdo it!
By now, we all know that exercise is recommended for health and well-being.
We also know that our body’s decline with aging is actually inflammaging - the gradual increase in low level inflammation throughout the body.

My Go-To Sneaky Work Out Routine (When I Really Don’t Have Time)
If you’re anything like me, you always feel like you’re pressed for time. That fitness class or bike ride or walk gets pushed to the bottom of the list and the day goes by and it doesn’t happen. Right?
And the same thing happens the next day.
But exercise and fitness routines are the most important part of a self care program!

8 Reasons Why Exercise Is The Ultimate Anti-Aging Therapy
Need some extra motivation to get you out the door for that walk or gym workout? I know the feeling. Some days I feel swamped with work or too tired to exercise…and that’s when we need it the most!
Here are 8 great reasons to schedule exercise time and prioritize it. A regular routine might well save you some of the dollars you’re spending on other anti-aging products!