Your Aging Immune System: Gut and Oral Health
What has your gut got to do with your aging immune system?
A healthy immune system can handle 100,000 invaders a day. We are [now] exposing our immune system to 1,000,000 invaders a day. - Dr Edward Group III
The gut is one of the key players in a healthy immune system.

Your Aging Immune System: What You Need To Know - Part 3
First, Detox The Big Three - Air, Water and Food
The logical place to begin to support your immune system is to remove the toxins that may be causing undue stress and damage to your cells. Otherwise known as aging.
The air we breathe, water we drink, and food we consume are the top entry points for allergens and toxins

Are You Taking Vitamin D?
If you're not taking vitamin D, have you wondered if you should be?
The short answer is ... yes, you should.
Some facts...
There’s a worldwide problem with vitamin D insufficiency (not enough) and outright deficiency (health risk) - even in hot, sunny countries like India (and Bermuda, where I live) - but especially in northern latitudes where the sunlight in winter months is dim.

Doctor, What Should I Eat?
10 easy principles to upgrade to healthy eating
Confused by all the changing nutritional advice you’ve been hearing over the past 30 years? Wondering what the heck is healthy eating for a woman over 50, anyway?
Me, too! At least, I was. I've spent years studying nutrition research and trying the latest recommended diets (actually, "ways of eating") with varying success.

Super Healthy Pineapple-Mango Turmeric Smoothie
Start your day with a tumbler of this sunny smoothie - chock full of nutrients and designed to keep you feeling full and happy all morning!
Handful of
Frozen organic pineapple chunks
Frozen organic mango chunks

The Skinny on The Meno-pot: 5 Reasons You've Got It and 5 Ways to Get Rid of It
5 Ways to Get Rid of Menopause Weight Gain
Oh, to look like that again, right?
Did you hit menopause and suddenly gain inches of flab around your middle? You were or are still watching what you eat and working out regularly, nothing’s really changed. Except your jeans don’t fit you any more?!