Metabolic Health: Your Best Defense
Metabolic health is associated with lower risk for COVID-19. Read all about how you can work on improving your metabolic health to prevent infectious diseases and stay vibrant forever!

Women Over 50 And Coronavirus: What’s Your Risk?
If you’re a woman over 50 and healthy, you’re probably wondering what your chances are of a.) contracting coronavirus, and b.) of becoming seriously ill or, God forbid, dying of complications. I wonder that too, so I scanned the research for answers. Here’s what I found…

Why Exercise is Important for Immune Health and Longevity: And Easy New Ways to Stay Fit Forever!
Exercise works for immune strength, but don’t overdo it!
By now, we all know that exercise is recommended for health and well-being.
We also know that our body’s decline with aging is actually inflammaging - the gradual increase in low level inflammation throughout the body.

Your Aging Immune System: Gut and Oral Health
What has your gut got to do with your aging immune system?
A healthy immune system can handle 100,000 invaders a day. We are [now] exposing our immune system to 1,000,000 invaders a day. - Dr Edward Group III
The gut is one of the key players in a healthy immune system.

Your Aging Immune System: What You Need To Know - Part 3
First, Detox The Big Three - Air, Water and Food
The logical place to begin to support your immune system is to remove the toxins that may be causing undue stress and damage to your cells. Otherwise known as aging.
The air we breathe, water we drink, and food we consume are the top entry points for allergens and toxins

Your Aging Immune System: What You Need To Know - Part 2
Your Immune Support Program: Start with a general assessment
The more I research the immune system and what it takes to support and enhance it, the more I realize that removing toxins and negative behaviours is equally as important as eating well, taking supplements, and exercising.

Your Aging Immune System: What You Need to Know - Part 1
Immunosenescence and Inflammaging
Have you seen or heard these terms?
These are the new catchphrases to describe the decline in the immune system after age 50!

Holiday Self Care Survival Guide
It’s Christmas...once again!
Time for parties, family gatherings, eating and drinking. Merriment, right? But, for most of us, there’s a whole lot of extra stress involved.
There’s shopping and cooking and decorating to do.

Are You Taking Vitamin D?
If you're not taking vitamin D, have you wondered if you should be?
The short answer is ... yes, you should.
Some facts...
There’s a worldwide problem with vitamin D insufficiency (not enough) and outright deficiency (health risk) - even in hot, sunny countries like India (and Bermuda, where I live) - but especially in northern latitudes where the sunlight in winter months is dim.

8 Benefits of a Retreat Vacation and .... Why You Should Go!
Need a break?
A retreat from your life? So you Googled "destination retreats"...but were turned off by the expense. Not for you, right?
Well, I'm here to encourage you to take another look at it. I've just returned from an all-inclusive 5 day retreat at a villa deep in the heart of Tuscany. The focus was Ayurvedic Sleep Yoga - the promise was a restful night's sleep. This, alone, was enough to make me pull out my credit card.

Doctor, What Should I Eat?
10 easy principles to upgrade to healthy eating
Confused by all the changing nutritional advice you’ve been hearing over the past 30 years? Wondering what the heck is healthy eating for a woman over 50, anyway?
Me, too! At least, I was. I've spent years studying nutrition research and trying the latest recommended diets (actually, "ways of eating") with varying success.

A New Way to Think About Self Care
"Self Care is a divine responsibility." Have you seen this little quote as you searched for self care information? I don't know who coined it, but for me, it's a core truth. But, what does it actually mean?

The Secret To Getting Results From Your Self Care Program
"I follow all of the latest self care recommendations. Why isn’t my hard work working?"Sound familiar? Many of my patients complain that they don’t get great results from the time and effort they put in. One reason is very clear...

What Everyone Ought to Know about Retreats
Are you are wondering where on Earth the name ReteatMD came from? What's it all about?Here’s a quote that I love, and that sums it up very nicely...